
Showing posts from March, 2023

Upamanyu Rishi

 Once upon a time there was a Rishi by the name of Upmanyu. He asked for milk from his mom and his mom told him that they were poor and were unable to afford milk. She urged him to pray in these hard times to bhagwaan Shiva. When he prayed Shiva, Shiva appeared before him in disguise of Indra and asked for any boon. He asked for meeting Bhagwaan Shiva, but Indra (Bhagwaan Shiva disguised as Indra) tried to pursuade him into just getting the milk and all riches. When Upamanyu persisted in his request, Bhagwaan Shiva appeared before him and granted him the wish for milk and also gave him the wisdom and knowledge. Moral: Be persistent in your quest for something. Sometimes people will offer you riches in exchange of your righteousness. Resist the temptation and continue to be on the path of what is right.